Monday, September 17, 2012

Is this right?

Gambar.. Petanda Umno Sudah Nak Mampus
Posted by Addin 

Sesebuah kerajaan yang bakal jatuh akan memberi petanda jelas yang berlaku seperti Mesir, Tunisia, Libya dan Syria.

“Apakah petanda itu?

“Lihat apa yang berlaku di Mesir, Tunisia, Libya dan Syria kini, antara beberapa petanda awal kejatuhan bermula tindakan ganas penyokong parti pemerintah,” kata Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man dalam satu tulisan di Facebook.

Tuan Ibrahim berkata tindakan ganas para penyokong BN ke atas pimpinan PR adalah jalan mencari kebencian rakyat kepada BN

Najib comes out with 1Malaysia slogan but at the same time dividing the nation into pieces of UMNO this and UMNO that.

Many years ago I told people to stop claiming they were born UMNO or a particular religion.   Nobody is born as a particular religion or political party.  God decides our birth, death and parents only.  Other paths are choices we make ourselves.  We decide whether we want to be an UMNO member or a Muslim or single or a prostitute.

Many are clueless and just follow without questioning the logic of it.  Just because the parents are Muslim the children automatically becomes Muslim.  So what happens if a Muslim wants to marry a Christian.  Isn't it true that in Malaysia a Christian is not allowed to convert to Muslim and Muslim are not allowed to convert to other religion? So no need to marry.  Is that why Muslim can have four wives and other races can have many mistresses?

I would like to share my past with you.  I was born into a Buddhist family. But was rise in a Christian environment. After my 21st birthday I decided I wanted to be a Muslim.  At no time from the time I was born and raise did anyone forced me into this or that religion. No-one told me that I was a born Buddhist or Christian or Muslim.  Religion was a choice I could make.  It is not mention in the Quran, Bible etc that one is born into a particular religion and cannot change.

Now if one is born into a family of UMNO members, does that automatically make you also an UMNO member? So what happens like now when you feel UMNO is no longer relevant and you wish to support another party.  Is it a sin or compulsory that you remain as UMNO member? DO YOU DISOWN YOUR OWN CHILDREN JUST BECAUSE THEY WANT TO JOIN ANOTHER POLITICAL PARTY?

Shahrir Abdul Samad (UMNO) and Khalid Abdul Samad (PAS) are siblings.  Their parents are UMNO members.  So is Khalid Abdul Samad a sinner and must be disown by them.  So Khalid and Shahrir cannot visit each other.

In Kuala Lumpur and Selangor there are many bill boards announcing Barisan Nasional project this and Barisan Nasional project that.  So everyone working on the project must be an UMNO member so other political party members are not allowed to work.

If schools were also to be divided like Ini Sekolah BN other political party members' children cannot go to that school.

So if there is Ini Shopping Complex BN others cannot go there.

Very soon everything will be divided just like our laws.


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